Elise’s 2nd Birthday

I took a while getting this video on the website, but better late than never. Whenever we asked Elise what she wanted for her birthday, she always answered “bunny cake.” Actually, she said “bunny cake” as the answer to a lot of questions. 🙂 Jenny ended up making a great cake which you can see in the photo gallery. Here’s a clip of Elise just before the party having a fruit snack.

Patrick Robert Waldchen

Jenny is amazing. After 12 hours of labor, Patrick joined us on Feb 13, 2007 at 12:42am. 8lbs 7oz, 21 inches. He’s a big boy. 🙂 We are all exhausted, but I managed to put up a few pictures in the Gallery. Unfortunately, my camera’s sensor broke when I tried to take pictures after the birth. Thank God Jenny had her camera with her, kind of a fluke since she doesn’t normally carry it around in her purse. More pics to come when I have more energy. 🙂

Merry Christmas


Well, we made it through our first Christmas with a toddler. It was a lot of fun, but thoroughly exhausting. We all had a great time with my mom and brother Jonathan who were visiting for the weekend. There are some photos in the Christmas 2006 gallery if you’re interested.

I’m also trying out something new: embedded videos using Flash. The quality isn’t as good, but hopefully it will let those of you with Macs be able to view the videos more easily. Click “read more” to see an example…

Elise playing with her new baby doll (thanks Omi and Opa!):

New Addition

As some of you know already, I am pregnant again and due to have #2 in February–Valentine’s Day to be exact! It was a bit of a shock, but we are getting used to it and have six months more to get ready, thank goodness. This summer I haven’t worked and haven’t done much more than taking care of Elise and myself. Poor Erick hasn’t had many homemade dinners. In fact Elise and I have been on a similar schedule–sleeping a lot at night, eating lots of small meals, napping, etc. Except she is MUCH more energetic that I am! I just started the second trimester, though, and am definitely feeling less tired. That’s a good thing because I start teaching September 5 and have lots to do in the next couple weeks. I am just teaching two mornings a week (like last year) which has worked pretty well for us. Of course, I’ll only be teaching about half the year until the baby comes. Well, that’s enough big news for the time being!