Merry Christmas!

I’ll be the first to admit that Jenny and I are pretty bad when it comes to sending out Christmas cards. (And by “bad” I mean we never get any sent.) But we did manage to gather around the tree for a photo so I thought I’d at least share that. I promise a whole new album of Christmas 2005 pictures later today…and maybe even a video or two of Elise opening her gifts. 😉

[img_assist|nid=28|title=xmas 2005|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=100|height=75]

First Foods

Since Elise has started becoming more interested in solid food, Jenny and I have been trying to introduce a few new ones every week or so. Her very first food was applesauce and she loved it. (Proving that she is indeed a Waldchen.) Last week we gave her some sweet potatoes and she gobbled it up as well. Here’s a short clip of her shoveling down the sweet ‘taters. I’m not including the footage of the diaper clean up we had the next day. 😉

Eating sweet potatoes

Starting to Crawl

Elise has been rolling all over the place for the past month, but just last week she started crawling around. She’s got some kind of “army” style crawl going, which is really funny to watch, so I thought I’d share a quick clip so you could see it first hand:

Elise crawling

Website Update

It’s not a big change, but I’ve updated the software the runs the photo gallery to fix a few annoying bugs. The main bug this fixes involves the “Print this Photo on Shutterfly” option. You can now open pictures from the gallery and send them directly to Shutterfly to be professionally printed. If everything works smoothly, I’ll be taking down the old gallery website and focusing solely on the new one. Let me know if you encounter any problems.

Little Miss Babble

Elise started babbling quite a bit recently. Jenny and I have been getting quite a kick listening to her try out her vocal chords. She seems really enthusiastic about communication. 🙂 We didn’t want anyone to miss out on this, so I’ve recorded a short 50sec clip of her trying to talk. You can download the movie by clicking this link:

Elise babbling video