Back From Vacation

Like most vacations, ours was over before we knew it. Jenny, Elise and I spent a week with her parents in the Los Cabos area of Mexico and had a great time. If it wasn’t for the grandparents, I’m not sure how we could have managed a trip with an 11 month old. 😉 Despite the three (!) teeth that were coming in, Elise did very, very well. If you haven’t seen the pictures yet, there is a “Mexico” album in the photo gallery here: Mexico

Oh, and if you’re ever looking for an amazing resort, the Palmilla is where you want to go.

When we returned I took a few more videos of Elise walking (behind a chair), clapping, and waving. I think you’ll enjoy these:

Chair walking

Elise Update

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Erick is encouraging me to write more, so I’m going to try to write entries more frequently. I’ll try to give you some updates on what we’re up to.
Elise is up to crawling a lot, standing while holding on, and trying to stand on her own. Note the bruise on her head in this photo. She’s saying “Dada” often, which we think means “Daddy”, at least sometimes. She is also getting really good at turning the pages on her board books when we read them to her and even on her own when she’s playing with the books.
Her favorite toys are Gracie’s bones and chew/fetch toys. I kind of gave up today and just let her chew on them (not the bones) since Gracie doesn’t really chew on those. She likes to crawl over things like pillows and legs and Gracie. Asher usually stays out of her way, but Gracie doesn’t seem to mind. Elise also likes taking items out of whatever they are in. Like emptying the laundry basket, books on a shelf, toys in her bin, items in the bottom kitchen drawer, etc.
In this photo, Elise is in a swimsuit because we are going to take a trip to Mexico with my parents soon. I know the suit is a little big, but I wanted it to fit for the summer, too. I think she will love to play in the pool because she enjoys the water at bathtime.

Crawling 2.0

A few weeks ago Elise changed from a commando-crawl to a more traditional method, and it’s pretty cute. Last week she even started pulling herself up to a standing position. She’s making those last few steps before she starts to walk. < -- Bad pun. 🙂 Anyway, I took some videos of her crawling around while she tried on a swimsuit for the first time. It's a little longer than some of the other clips I've posted, so it may take a bit longer to download.
More Crawling