
Patrick took his first tentative steps over a month ago. Since then he has been slowly growing in stamina, balance and momentum. He seems to have really hit his “stride” this week and is walking whenever he can. When he is holding a toy or book in his hand, he actually walks better. He focuses on that object and not so much on the walking. At certain times in the past few days we’ve had him corralled in the living room by the couches, coffee table, and pack ‘n play. He loves to walk along them and across from one to the other. He even walked the majority of the length of the living room, just stabilizing himself briefly on the chair and coffee table. I didn’t get that on video, but I made a few videos of him walking yesterday that I will share soon.

Edit: I just added a video of Patrick taking a few steps across the living room. –Erick

2 Replies to “Walking”

  1. Well, you’re on your way to another new experience with Patrick. What a wonderful thing it is. Can’t wait to see him up close and personal. I’m sure Elise is enjoying the fact that her brother can play with her on more equal terms. By May maybe both Elise and Patrick will be running with me!! Can’t wait. Love you all.

  2. Hey Jenny-
    It took me a couple of days to figure out how to register so I could leave comments on your blog!
    Love the video of Patrick walking. Looking forward to
    seeing him and Elise up close and personal in a couple
    of weeks. I hope that we can help you and Erick out with
    babysitting for “our cherubs” on the Friday night when
    we arrive. Let me know what you need me to do for the
    birthday party on Saturday. I plan to mail a couple of
    packages for Patrick and Elise before we come so that I
    don’t have to pack the items for our flight. Can’t wait
    to see you, Erick and the kids. Love to all.

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