We have a program at church called “Loaves and Dishes” that’s purpose is to provide meals to families who recently had babies. This is how it works: A signup sheet is put out a few weeks before the baby is due. People sign up and then are contacted by the L&D coordinator who then works out the dates of when they’ll drop off a meal. After a few days, the free food starts rollin’ in! I must say, I’m extremely thankful for all the meals that people have cooked for us so far. Quiche and soup, pork chops with pears and potatoes, pasta, and a fantastic oriental-chicken-noodle dish from the Zimmermans complete with homemade bread. Mmmmm. It’s all been very good, even from people whose kitchen habits I didn’t have time to check. 😉 Since Jenny has been recovering, and it’s been too cold to start grilling (where I do most of my cooking), these meals have been a huge blessing. Hopefully this gravy train won’t end too soon…