New Home

If you haven’t heard yet, we signed a contract on a new house in Geneva this weekend! My head is still spinning things have happened so fast. The reality is just sinking in. We’ve been talking about it for a while, and looking more seriously for the past few weeks. With interest rates still so low this might be a good time to move to a single family home. I bought the townhouse we’re in now about 5 1/2 years ago. We thought we’d just see if anything we really liked and can afford comes up. So last Friday, June 3, I drove by this house when our realtor emailed us the info on it. Photos were not even online for it yet because it was just listed. I loved the outside, so we arranged to see it that night. I knew this place wouldn’t last long. I loved it immediately. It is a wonderful neighborhood with lots of mature trees near downtown Geneva. The yard is so cute, too. The big thing that held us back is we would not be gaining lots more living space than what we have now. But we decided in the end that we were willing to give that up for all the positives it offers. We don’t close on the new house until the end of Auguest, but now we need to get the townhouse ready to put on the market. The adventure continues…

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